Submitted by DLares on August 8, 2022 - 8:55pm

Spiritual Truth Seekers NightOwls


Missed the first 20 minutes but here’s the opening prayer from my TA Journal:

De: Thank you for the gravity certainty I feel when I think about who I am in relation to you. Thank you for the memories of my humanness and the encouragement of your helpers. Thank you for teaching me to navigate the riffs and waves of my soul. In you, I have the freedom to accept myself in the beautiful perfection-edge of now. I feel the fresh breath of your spirit presence inspire my intention. Fill me with your light, my beloved Creator. Take me to the place of oneness with you wo inhabit all realms, all consciousness, all life. In you, we are indeed, one. Amen.

So: You know we can’t control the process, but we can make a decision about how we respond to it. One of the things that has become more and more poignant to me, especially in the last six months, is how many of our systems, are just absolutely pathological. They are not interested in healing or providing a service. I’ve got a whole nightmare of complaints about that. And it’s strategic, such that they are changing the rules of the game.  It’s very nuanced and very Luciferian. This is a specific methodology to enrich the rich people, the CEO’s, all those shareholders. It’s to benefit them. If they don’t have to pay out, all this time, what do you think their interest is? That is the strategic plan. It’s not just the insurance industry. It’s across the board. Intentional malfeasance. Now, that has must break. We had Covid to kind of soften us up so that we shift our priorities to our families, to doing business in a different way. It has allowed people to work from home, because the whole corporate expectation structure that you must work 50/60 hours a week just to keep your family above water, isn’t reasonable. But they are getting away with it because it is the corporate mentality.  The elements in this spider web of malfeasance and how they can suck the life out of people makes you feel worthless and hopeless, breaks marriages apart, or causes you to abuse your kids. It’s incredible the outcome of all this strategic planning to suck the life out of all of us in our best efforts to be successful adults.

Simeon: It's an untangling of the Luciferian nets that were cast. There is no quick fix. They can’t just say. “Ok, we are here, everything is fine.” It has to untangle, unwind, and we have to come to see that exploitation for what it is. We have to reject it ourselves. In a sense we are being asked to choose, just like people during the Rebellion, do we want to be in that mentality where we think it is ok to take advantage of others or part of a larger family of things where we work for the better good of everyone? And then, to know what the difference is. That is the challenge from both sides. There is not just one thing that needs to be fixed. Many things need to unwind from all of it so we can get to a middle, to a nice commonality part of it. I don’t know that when that could happen. Be nice if it were sooner but from the ones of us who do, it is working. rather than later.

De: I think that’s why I like what Al put into words, that I have been working with for the past couple years, is that of the United Thought Adjusters.  When I remember that, then I can relax, because I  think of that I know that from that invisible realm, from inside the deepest part of all of us on the planet who have Thought Adjusters, because we don’t all have a thought adjuster, good overcomes evil. Where’s Eug? She would have reminded us of that. But from inside, there is a bottom line, where good will prevail. It might take 400 years, though, so we just have to be patient.

LaR: I think it IS going to get worse. I do little preparations. I keep my cupboards and freezers full, my lamps and lantern and gas tanks up because the weather is taking over, etc. I’m trying to not let it take over my happiness and joy for being here. It’s an honor for me to be here, to be a part of this.

Al: What I think is going to come about is disclosure, what So. was talking about. People have no clue what is going on in the banking, well, you pick any industry. Most people have no clue unless that is the area they work in or know something about. Disclosure in one area will allow people to become more aware of the corruption in the other systems, government and finances and change can begin to take place from the people instead of the leaders.

Simeon: I want to add to that thought about disclosure. We get the idea that it is more complex than just what is on the surface.  Sometimes there are groups out there talking about things like disclosure but actually lying and hiding it and doing other illegal things. That is where I have some issues with that material Al. posted because some of the things are just are just not true. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.  A lot of these sights fall into the category of wish-fulfillment disclosure rather than doing the hard work of learning about each other.  We sit around here each week and learn about each other’s foibles to understand the good, and the things that we do that are not so good. We cut each other off, we nurture, but we are building a family here in our communications with each other. That is the hard part of spiritual unity. It has to happen on a far larger level than just our group. For the planet to come about to light and life.

Sc: The Emperor’s wearing no clothes! At some point truth needs to be spoken. Our trump card is recognition of what the truth really is and have more and more people realize that they have the power and the influence to speak truth to power. We can get people banded together, as in the insurance case, to get lots of people who really care about families and get a coalition together that is logical and sensible. I’ve seen many public affairs movements succeed. Maybe we can help support good people trying to do good things and support our spiritual brethren.

So: The idea distills down to this concept: I/me/mine vs global consciousness, what is good for all of us. So, I am willing to pay more, individually, I’m willing to lower my lifestyle standards to make it a better experience for all. So, I drive down and see the homeless people have a safe area where services will be provided. I really work in the trenches with what we are dealing with here. I have some other terrible examples of lack of basic respect and services for people in need. Some of these things need to be put on the tv, that’s disclosure! People need to feel uncomfortable enough to do something about things. We need to wake people up and get their pitchforks and go stand outside the courthouse. And that’s about as aggressive as I will get, old tech pitchfork and new tech iPhone and that’s good for a photo op!

Al: I know it all takes a great deal of discernment because there is so much disinformation and going around but I’ve been untruthful statements. I have followed this closely and just as you get to know people, you get to know the people who are talking and the people they talk to so you get a pretty good idea to whom you are listening to, not just anyone you pick up. I have been guided to follow this very closely.  I love what So. is saying because this is true on every level. And mainstream media doesn’t tell the truth, almost never. It’s a great cover-up.

Simeon: Things are pointed out in the mainstream media as well but there are systemic problems in many of our institutions as well.

Sc. We just need more Howard Beall’s out there who will say, “I’m not going to take this anymore.”  The more people that can focus and realize the emperor is wearing no clothes, the more we can be truth carriers and support those who have the media’s eye and ear to speak truth to power. But it is doable. There have been revolutions throughout our history. Maybe this can be a revolution of unconditional love.

So: That’s going to come at the end. People aren’t going to change until they get their hearts broken, they lose loved ones and they become devastated. Landslides, fires, we lose food and it begins to affect all of us! I agree that global warming effects and disclosures will show the intentional sabotaging of the good potential that can come out of any of these structures, governmental or private. Ostensibly, corporate structures are designed to provide a service or product, a niche to fulfill a human need. But it’s how you get there, how you run everyone out of the business so that you don’t have free competition, so that you can dominate the market and charge obscene charges for it. Much like what is happening in Real Estate right now. The hedge funds are buying all of the houses. Their strategic plan, Harvard graduate high level strategic planning on how to control the market and squeeze every ounce of blood out of it. They are doing it in many cities in the US. They are jacking up the rentals and the housing market itself. With the corporations being treated as a person we have hedge funds with no accountability. Nobody went to jail for that stock market debacle in 08. Nothing happens to the bad guys if you’re rich.  So, what I would say, one of my ways is to put on my discernment glasses, when I want to get smart and dig deep and see if anyone is feeding me bullshit or not,  I find out what they are about. Are they about I/Me/Mine, increasing my shareholders power, money, greed?  One thing I have learned as a clinician is that the behavior will always tell you what the pathology is. If they are doing it in one place, they are doing it at every level everywhere, it’s 360, it’s in every relationship because it’s ok with them. Why? Because it is all about them, making money, getting percentages out, as opposed to: “Wait a minute, folks, let’s come to the table and think about it.” How we can do a couple things at once, how we can grow and sustain our staff within this corporate structure, as well as create a better profit. The CEO isn’t going to make 130 million dollars as a bonus, for showing up on a few skype calls.

Simeon: And we can’t afford to pay the rest of you guys for health insurance.

LaR: We have watched this since the eighties. It’s always been going on. But bringing it back to a spiritual answer, this is where I miss Abraham and his discernment vs judgement lessons from around 1994. I read somewhere recently, instead of us bitching about it we have to up our game about enlightenment and upliftment and drop that stone of love in the water that ripples out because we are students of Jesus, we are his hands, feet, voice. Turning this stuff over to him is where we need to be. To me, that is the only answer. I’ve been on a soapbox since I was 14 years old. I’m tired of it. Groups like this I get closer and closer to the Father and my Thought Adjuster and it’s a good feeling to know that the world is not going to stop revolving if I’m not involved, if I’m being an example rather than getting in and ripping someone a new asshole.

De: Yes. Exactly, LaR. Thank you.  And So., as you were talking, I realized we watch this happen and we see someone go in and take up the fight and then get bought off. We watch them change their value system. How do we make integrity be valuable, because they really don’t care. Have you seen the study about the differences between the brains of conservatives and liberals? They are tellingly different about emotion and control, the I/me/mine vs caring about others. It’s an actual physical difference in brain structure.

Sc: I love this fire. It’s good to hear that fire coming out of your hearts and souls. How do we create stable markets, better path forward instead of bitching about it. How do we teach people they can be empowered. The name Aaron is running through my mind a little bit here.  I don’t know if it might be considered a helpful direction.

De: Go ahead, Scott, tell us what he’s saying. Listen. You are getting something. Good job.

Simeon: If it comes just speak up on that. This conversation tonight is good, not political because we are talking about the values and meanings behind what people are doing.

Al: The question comes up, what can we do? I mentioned it last week about the united adjuster circuit. We put out our intentions with the adjuster and they can go out and work with the minds of the leaders, the ones making the decisions and help the ones below to speak up. I think we have the power to put the United Thought Adjusters to work.

Simeon: There are many different groups with conflicting messages from Machiventa, within and outside the movement. Sincere people. Discernment about what, where and how they are going about receiving the message. I learned from years of working with it, if I come with an agenda like, “I want them to talk about this.” Those are generally me talking, or me laced in with them talking. Now I ask them to tell me something I am not already thinking about, don’t just confirm by biases. Sometimes people just want to hear what they want to hear. If you quiet your mind, get quiet, listen and just try to hear the truth and when I do that things do seem so stark. I hear, “Yes, this could happen, but it could go a completely different direction as well and to me.” That comes across as more wisdom than just the world is going to fall apart, and you can’t do anything about it but we will be around to help you pick up the pieces. I remember a message recently that was about speaking the truth in a way that others “get it.” That’s the challenge if we are going down he road where spiritual beings are helping us then we have a responsibility on our side to be there for what the truth is, not just to confirm what we want to hear and we need to have the courage to take that truth into our lives and represent it so that other people recognize it as well.

Sc: I think you are right on the money there.  People aren’t powerless. We can help get good ideas into circulation. We aren’t helpless pawns, unless we choose it. With our unseen friends we can have a completely game changing change. We can change things within a few elections. This is a battle for the souls. If we are speaking truth to power, it will resonate well within the Adjusters of many citizens.

Al: In talking about intentions, I am talking about each one of us. When we spend our Quiet Time to really focus on the intention of asking our adjusters and the others that are working with them for the Leaders. It is not just an intention; it is a very focused intention.

Do: I was very confused by that post and those pictures. I didn’t see any connection to what we were discussing or who we are. It looked very political but kind of warped.

Simeon: You came in on last week’s schedule so, yes, we discussed some of the basics of that. We didn’t get into the fine detail, but I found the website problematic, with its disclaimer that they take no responsibility for the content and actually consider it “Rumor”.

Do: So, what was your purpose? I know I liked the next email you sent later explaining it.

Al: I will call you later and talk about it.

Eug: I’m going to skip over that, but I’d like to tie in the little bit I’ve heard about intention and the messages.  I think we have been getting consistently and for a long period of time, messages about taking on more responsibilities. We are being prepared and messages addressing the general angst and miseries people acting out in not very helpful ways and the stress that is on our mental health. But I think the messages that THIS group has been getting is one of hope and they are overall directing us and that we have power, and all the help we need. There is time for us to step up and we need to step up. But that doesn’t mean that we all do the same thing. We all love. Love as we have been prepared to love, as our understanding of it is, what our intent is when we act. If we do it in a more mindful way, we can maybe make progress with other people who may not be where we are or who may have something to teach us. But they are giving us the message to step forth and do it more forthrightly and take our power, because we have it and we have what we need and there is an urgency in it. Those are the summaries of all the lessons that I have witnessed in the past year and a half both here and some other areas. All is well. There isn’t a generation on this planet that hasn’t had to deal with some awful things and they that have no control over. But they do have control over what they can do. By intent, we have the help we need and all we have to do is intentionally connect with it and act in our own sphere.

Simeon: We have been exploring from a spiritual place, rebellion, chaos and struggle, even touching upon the political. We aren’t talking about the politics of it but the meanings and values underlying it. I’ve been inspired tonight exploring the struggles and some of the problematic features of how decisions are being made rather than throwing blame. There are issues on all sides of the fence. And how do we increase the numbers, so that the whole world gets the confidence to be about the Father’s business, so to speak.

So: Another one of the factors I use in discernment on whether I trust what is being said, E, one of my earlier points was that if their argument is supportive of an I/Me/Mine consciousness, that is Luciferian. Let’s look at a global, more socially sustainable system. What can we do to change or make it better. Those are harder because it involves so much negotiation and compromise but that is ultimately how we ought to do it.

Simeon: Sc, did you ever get back to Aaron and get a sense of what they were trying to say?

Sc: Um… just… with the theme I’m sensing is that as long as we are starting with unconditional love, and we continue to try and help apply unconditional love to every situation that we will be guided to solutions, and we are talking about so many different ways to proceed and help uplift. The consensus I am pleased to hear is that none of us is going to sit back and take this on the chin. I’ve spoken truth to power, I put myself on the line plenty of times in the past. I’ve created a better homeless system and everything else but it’s just very doable. I love the concept of the adjuster and the power of all the adjusters working together, that is a powerful and intriguing way to bring enlightenment in different areas. Telling the truth, that the emperor has no clothes, the system is failing everybody. They are not representing your best interests. Insist on improvement and better results for everybody. It all comes from unconditional love, doesn’t it. I think that is something that is appealing to everybody on the planet. It is where we are being led. I needed some help with my Microsoft system and the guy said he had never felt so good after talking to somebody. I guess I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.

Al: The thought dawned on me that while we have this intention to work with the United Adjusters, that we can tell them what we would like them to focus on. Something you said Sc, gave me a bigger perspective.

Simeon: I just got a bump from Aaron, and he said he did try to bring a couple thoughts through, One was to apply unconditional love to every situation and that it is all very doable.

Sc: Thank you, Aaron. I’m getting those spiritual tingles. Thank you. This is sort of like starting up some of that writing.  I was hugging my shoulders saying thank you.

So: I had a conversation with a fundamentalist Christian about forcing women to give birth. I cannot be silent about that. What is interesting is I am trying to find the patterns and to look for the core issues because to me, that is what I want to find. My takeaway, another red flag, was the i/me/mine consciousness and the other was single issue voters. They don’t care about anything other than their guns or making women give birth. I was going on because I worked in the social services, and what about the 40,000 kids in foster care right now? And the health services ignoring the real needs? The people that already exist are being neglected.  In the Netherlands when you want to go into graduate school it is required that they live in senior centers housing. You live with the old folks and are required to eat meals with them. The research shows dementia levels decreasing. People are talking, laughing, singing songs from the old country and the younger people are getting more attuned to life, and wisdom. They are getting a larger consciousness.  That is a model that is socially sustainable. It pays forward and backwards on so many different levels. They come out debt free, wise, and they have developed a relationship with the special old lady, or guy and maybe helped them die. This is really the depth of life rather then I/me/Mine rather than the reduction model where you are reducing the issues into a very narrow range. What really struck me, who showed up to vote in Kansas. The undecided. They voted on that one question. They left the rest blank. That means, I think, they don’t have enough information about the rest of it.

Eug: Everyone voted but after Roe v Wade ended, we had 1000% new voter registration of the Gen X kids. Many single individuals walked in with resolution on their faces. They were purposeful. A large percentage of Republicans did vote no. There was a big crossover.  Kansas has a high percentage of single-issue people who are running for office. It was a very important primary.

Simeon: What I hope is that people realize they are not just voting what their party wants them to vote. Then when they get a taste of that they may look at the whole ballet, next time. Not everyone believes the same thing down the line.  I’d like for people to realize they don’t have to vote just what their party says. Change your mind. Be an independent person with your own mind.

De: Quiet Time, prayer circle and Love, Peace and Harmony in Oneness.

From Delores’ Thought Adjuster:

You are multi-level beings, yet you cannot comprehend the infinity of possibility abiding within you. The juxtaposition of thought, feeling, intention and reaction you go through in even one day is astonishing. As co-existers, within you, we, as an omniscient presence, are able to see  and understand the patterns even as you are blind to them. There are surface levels, the everyday interaction patterns of your conscious life like wind upon still water rippling through the evening news, affecting all but in different ways. The skills, talents and proclivities of diversity are brought to bear on deeper levels by subtle measures. We use the tools of imagination and of dreams. Your freewill choices can be informed by insight, inspiration, and experience. It is with great patience and love that we assist you in working out your salvation. Some come to it sooner than others, applying themselves with devotion to a pathway of spiritual awareness. Others come to it almost completely unaware as they live their lives with purpose and dedication t o a worthy goal. YOU, who are drawn here together, represent a minority of vastly differing originals who share one thing: the desire to truly become God-knowing mortals. That desire burns like stars in the darkness to us. Amen.

Simeon: Reminds me of a quote from the Lord of the Rings where Frodo says, “I wish the ring had never come to me and that none of this had ever happened.”  Gandalf answered,” So do all who live to see such times but all you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.”